NICE issues approval for endovenous mechanochemical ablation for varicose veins in the UK


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The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recently issued approval via Interventional Procedure Guidance IPG557 for endovenous mechanochemical ablation for the treatment of varicose veins in the UK. The NICE guidelines provide evidence-based guidance and advice on a range of health topics and conditions. This move places endovenous mechanochemical ablation on standard arrangements for the treatment of varicose veins.

In its updated guidance, published in May 2016, NICE Guidance reported, “Current evidence on the safety and efficacy of endovenous mechanochemical ablation for varicose veins appears adequate to support the use of this procedure, provided that standard arrangements are in place for consent, audit, and clinical governance.”

“A NICE guideline describes recommendations for the diagnosis and management of varicose veins. Many people have varicose veins that do not cause any symptoms or need treatment on medical grounds. However, some people will need treatment for the relief of symptoms or if there is evidence of skin discoloration, inflammation or ulceration. Treatment options include endothermal ablation, ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy and surgery (usually stripping and ligation of the great and small saphenous veins, and phlebectomies.)”

“The recently published guidelines will allow greater treatment options for those suffering from venous insufficiency,” commented vascular surgeon Peter Holt, of St George’s Vascular Institute, London, UK. “The ClariVein OC catheter is a unique technology that has been widely used in European markets since 2010, in mechanochemical procedures with excellent results.”

The ClariVein OC is a specialty infusion catheter for the infusion of physician-specified agents in the peripheral vasculature including for endovascular occlusion of incompetent veins in patients with superficial venous reflux. The ClariVein OC is commonly used with endovenous mechanochemical procedures and is not available in the USA.