CLEAR-DVT highlights “real paradigm shift” in treatment of DVT patients


Venous News takes a look back at VIVA 2019 (Vascular InterVentional Advances; 4–7 November, Las Vegas, USA) where Stephen Black (London, UK) and Mitchell Silver (Columbus, USA) discuss the CLEAR-DVT study

Silver touches on some of the “historic studies” of venous intervention such as ATTRACT and CaVenT and compares them to CLEAR-DVT, which he notes looks at “more modern intervention” on high-risk patients and predicts that the outcomes of CLEAR-DVT will be “much different”.

Silver explains that one of the limitations of the ATTRACT trial was a “lack of technology”, adding that since 2014—when the trial stopped—there has been a “tremendous evolution in how we approach patients with acute and chronic thrombus”. This has led to a “real paradigm shift in the way we approach deep vein thrombosis [DVT] patients”.

Black outlines his hope that going forward “we are going to find improvement for this group of patients,” as well as be able to “address some of the data gaps that currently exist”.

Concluding, Silver notes that the next steps are “probably a randomised controlled trial where we look at best-in-class devices in the right group of patients”.


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