ManaMed launches PlasmaFlow digital and tubeless DVT prevention device

ManaMed launched dvt prevention device
ManaMed PlasmaFlow

ManaMed has introduced PlasmaFlow, the first US Food and Drug Administrator-approved portable and tubeless deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prevention device throughout the USA.

“We at ManaMed are thrilled that our innovative PlasmaFlow DVT prevention device is available to help mitigate the risk to 600,000-plus new cases of DVT every year in the USA,” says Trevor Theriot, co-founder and chief executive officer of Manamed Theriot adds: “Blood clots are a silent killer in the medical industry.”

PlasmaFlow is the first FDA-approved portable and tubeless sequential device with multiple pressure functions. Designed for optimal results and patient comfort, PlasmaFlow features step-up-technology, one-button operation, soft cuffs made of high-grade medical material, rechargeable battery with up to 10 hours of life, two liquid crystal display screens with timer and verification of pressure, and graduated and asymmetric compression for maximum benefit.

A thriving demand for ease in treatment is provided by PlasmaFlow. Tubeless and portable, PlasmaFlow is intended for use at home or at the hospital to help prevent the onset of DVT in patients by stimulating blood flow in the extremities. PlasmaFlow can be used to prevent DVT, enhance blood circulation, reduce post-operative pain and swelling, reduce wound healing time, aid in the treatment of  stasis dermatitis, venous stasis ulcers, arterial and diabetic leg ulcers, chronic venous insufficiently and reduction of edema in the lower limbs. The device can also be used as an aid in the prophylaxis for DVT by people stationary for long periods of time.

The risk of getting a blood clot is highest during and 14 days after surgery, and goes down with time. PlasmaFlow should be used anytime during post-surgery recovery when a patient is sitting, resting or lying down. PlasmaFlow, prescribed by a physician, is designed to allow a multimodal approach for venous thromboembolism (VTE) for high-risk orthopaedic surgery patients. Current Board guidelines indicate that aspirin is not appropriate as the only option for the prevention of DVT. Unlike prescriptive drugs, PlasmaFlow is intended to help mitigate the risk of bleeding and does not require weekly blood monitoring.


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