Three-year data add to growing body of clinical evidence in support of VICI Venous Stent System


The VICI Venous Stent System (Boston Scientific) is associated with excellent primary patency rates, with concomitant symptomatic improvement in Clinical-Etiological-Anatomical-Pathophysiological (CEAP) classification, directly after stenting and in long-term follow-up out to 36 months. This is the headline finding of a subgroup analysis from the Arnsberg Venous registry, recently presented by one of the principal investigators, Michael Lichtenberg (Karolinen Hospital, Arnsberg, Germany) at LINC 2021 (Leipzig Interventional Course; 25–29 January, virtual). These long-term data add to a growing body of clinical evidence in support of the VICI Venous Stent System, and make it the only dedicated venous stent with data out to three years—a crucial edge in a growing field.


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