Vascular Insights announces randomised clinical trial comparing VNUS Closure Fast with ClariVein for varicose veins treatment


Vascular Insights has announced the start of a multicentre randomised clinical trial conducted by principal investigators Alun H Davies, professor of Vascular Surgery and Ian J Franklin, consultant vascular surgeon, Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

The study hypothesis is that the ClariVein procedure (Vascular Insights in USA and ClariVein in EU) for varicose veins is potentially less painful than radiofrequency ablation (VNUS Closure Fast / Covidien) under local anaesthetic. This will be a multicentre randomised clinical trial with a group of 170 patients.

“This is great news for patients and clinicians who are searching for a quick and much less painful modality to heat based treatments for venous reflux and of course varicose veins,” saidJohn P Marano, president of Vascular Insights.

“This study will evaluate two cutting edge technologies in the management of patients with varicose veins,” said Davies.

The investigators anticipate presenting initial data in early 2013.