Early intervention for leg ulcers a global “golden opportunity” to improve care and save on costs


Venous News filmed a panel discussion with Alun Davies (London, UK), Manj Gohel (Cambridge, UK) and Daniel Carradice (Hull, UK); who discussed treatment of venous ulceration and the randomised EVRA trial which, Carradice says, showed that early endovenous ablation of superficial venous reflux is “not only cost-effective but actually cost-saving”.

Davies, who is chief investigator of the EVRA trial, describes the scope of venous leg ulcers as a “case of national emergency” and adds that the results of the EVRA trial will lead to many of the guidelines around the world being rewritten. The trio also discuss the Venous Leg Ulcers: A silent crisis All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) report which Carradice, notes indicates that health services have a “rare, golden opportunity” to improve quality of treatment and save money.

The panel concludes that it is important to educate medical practitioners and patients, as early intervention can improve the quality of life and reduce the workload of district nurses, by spreading awareness about the benefits of early referrals. They also highlight that it is key to work with politicians and the media in order to educate patients and other physicians about the benefits of early intervention of leg ulcers, an issue which Davies believes has been overlooked as a “Cinderella” disease.

This panel took place at VSASM 2019 (Vascular Societies’ Annual Scientific Meeting; 27–29 November, Manchester, UK) and was filmed by BLearning Venous.

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