RCT: Technical success rates of mechanochemical ablation are inferior to thermal...

Three-year results of a randomised controlled trial reveal that, while mechanochemical ablation (MOCA) is a “feasible treatment option” in an outpatient setting, its technical...
Venous News for specialists

MOCAP linked with improved quality of life and fewer reinterventions for...

A study presented at the European Society for Vascular Surgery’s annual meeting (ESVS; 25–28 September, Valencia, Spain) has concluded that mechanochemical ablation with concomitant...

MOCA and EVLA show similar overall pain scores and improvements in...

Data from the LAMA (Laser ablation versus mechanochemical ablation) trial indicate that mechanochemical ablation (MOCA) is significantly less painful than endovenous laser ablation (EVLA)...