Aidoc’s AI solution for pulmonary embolism clinically proven to reduce hospital stay duration and improve patient access to treatment


Research in the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven pulmonary embolism (PE) care was unveiled recently during the 9th Annual Pulmonary Embolism Symposium (Sept. 21–23) in Austin, Texas. A press release reports that research from three institutions utilizing Aidoc’s PE AI solution demonstrated clinical value in reducing mean hospital length of stay, improving patient access, and correctly alerting care teams of suspected PEs with potential for advanced interventions.

The three studies highlighted the care advantages of utilizing Aidoc in the management of acute PEs, including numerous patient outcome benefits. Key findings from the studies presented include:

  • 37% hospital length of stay reduction with AI-triggered Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT) activation and initiation of advanced therapies
  • 68% increased access of catheter-directed interventional therapy for intermediate-high to high acuity PE patients
  • A highly sensitive (95%) early alerting system that successfully identified critical PE patients

“Proving the robustness of any AI solution hinges on the application of scientific rigor and the scrutiny of peer review. Collaborating with these esteemed institutions to evaluate Aidoc’s PE AI Solutions is critical to increasing awareness of the multifaceted benefits AI can provide to patients, providers and health systems,” shared Jerome Avondo, VP of Clinical Affairs and Reimbursement, Aidoc. “A difficult to manage, high acuity patient population, such as PE, presents novel opportunities for assessing the impact of artificial intelligence and understanding the overall impact on outcomes.”


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