AVF 2023: FLASH registry suggests “favourable safety and effectiveness profile” in high-risk PE patients

James Horowitz delivers FLASH data to AVF 2023 audience

Among 61 high-risk pulmonary embolism (PE) patients followed through to the 30-day visit in the US cohort of the FLASH registry, no mortalities were recorded, while at 48 hours post-treatment with the FlowTriever mechanical embolectomy system (Inari Medical), likewise, there were no major adverse events (MAEs), nor serious adverse events (SAEs) reported.

The outcomes emerged during a venous thromboembolism (VTE) session at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Venous Forum (22–25 February, San Antonio, USA) in a paper delivered by James Horowitz (NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, USA).

The subanalysis was drawn from the 800-patient prospective, multicentre, real-world registry in light of a paucity of data regarding the use of the percutaneous system among high-risk patients, Horowitz noted.

Horowitz reported that, post-embolectomy using the FlowTriever system, haemodynamic improvements were observed, with mean pulmonary artery pressure decreasing from 31.5mmHg to 24.3mmHg, and cardiac index (CI) increasing from 1.5L/min/m2 to 1.9L/min/m2. “Patients demonstrated immediate haemodynamic and vital-sign improvements following the procedure,” he added. “Echocardiographic, dyspnoea and quality-of-life outcomes improved through 30 days.”

Horowitz and colleagues highlighted that the large-bore mechanical embolectomy system “has a favourable safety and effectiveness profile” in the high-risk group. They concluded: “In high-risk PE patients, there were no mortalities through 30 days or MAEs after mechanical embolectomy with the FlowTriever system. High-risk patients demonstrated significant improvement of acute haemodynamics and functional outcomes. Results from the FLASH registry suggest mechanical embolectomy is safe and effective for high-risk PE, leading to markedly lower acute mortality compared to previously reported mortality rates for this population.”


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