Deep venous interventions are an exciting area, but “stark evidence gaps” need filling


Venous News arranged a roundtable with Sophie Renton (London, UK), Bruce Campbell (Exeter, UK) and Manj Gohel (Cambridge, UK), who called for more high quality, medium-to-long-term evidence to support the growing use of minimally invasive, but expensive, interventions for deep venous occlusive disease, especially with a view to future national guidelines.

The panel made it clear that venous disease is an entirely different proposition to aortic disease. However, the UK’s recent NICE draft guidelines on aortic aneurysms (that suggest endovascular aortic aneurysm repair [EVAR] should not be used for unruptured aneurysms), have made many physicians working in the venous field sit up and focus on the robust evidence for clinical outcomes, quality of life and cost-effectiveness needed to support the use of deep venous interventions. This roundtable took place at the Vascular Societies’ 2018 annual meeting in Glasgow, UK.



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