Inari Medical announces partnership with AVF and NBCA on DEFIANCE trial


In recognition of World Thrombosis Day, Inari Medical recently announced collaborative partnerships with the American Venous Forum (AVF) and the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) on the DEFIANCE trial.

DEFIANCE is a prospective, multinational, randomised controlled trial (RCT) that will evaluate and compare clinical outcomes in patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) treated with Inari’s ClotTriever system versus anticoagulation alone.

An Inari Medical press release details that AVF is a non-profit society dedicated to improving the care of patients with venous and lymphatic disease, with members and leadership recognised internationally as thought leaders, expert investigators and top clinicians in the field.

“AVF members pledge to practice evidence-based medicine, participate in scientific knowledge, and provide accurate information, so we commend Inari for their commitment to contributing high-quality evidence by conducting the first RCT for the use of mechanical thrombectomy in patients with DVT, comparing treatment with the ClotTriever system versus anticoagulation,” said Ruth Bush (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA), AVF president.

She continued: “Early intervention with current mechanical thrombectomy devices has been widely adopted by our members, and since this treatment modality was introduced after DVT guidelines were last updated in 2012, this study is of great interest to our multidisciplinary global community of venous experts.”

In collaboration with Inari, AVF will help create awareness of DEFIANCE and assist with the enrolment of this important trial through its members and stakeholders.

The press release continues that NBCA is the leading non-profit in the USA focused on building awareness and community among people who are affected by blood clots. “The vast majority of DVT survivors in the NBCA community were treated with the current standard of care, anticoagulation, and too many have developed the debilitating symptoms of post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) with swollen legs, difficulty walking, skin changes and poorly healing open wounds,” said NBCA president and board chair, Leslie Lake. “NBCA commends Inari Medical for investing in DEFIANCE, a much-needed landmark trial with the potential to impact future treatment guidelines for DVT patients.”

“Our team is immensely proud to partner with two leading organisations representing patients and specialists—the largest national patient advocacy organisation and a renowned global venous medical society, a testament to the importance of high-quality RCTs in this space,” said Thomas Tu, Inari’s chief medical officer.


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