Tag: sclerotherapy
Transluminal injection of foam sclerotherapy combined with EVLA “safe and feasible”
Transluminal injection of foam sclerotherapy (TLFS) combined with endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) is a safe and feasible procedure that improves venous clinical severity score...
BAS Vein Treatment Masterclasses take off
The BAS (British Association of Sclerotherapists) interactive Masterclass Series kicked off on 8 October with three experts from the world of vascular surgery sharing...
Retrospective analysis of UGFS patients shows association with high rate of...
A retrospective analysis of patients treated with ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy (UGFS), published in the January 2020 issue of Phlebology, has found that the frequency...
An overview of tumescent enhanced sclerotherapy as a treatment for superficial...
While the treatment of spider, reticular and varicose veins using sclerotherapy has been a standard practice for many years, tumescent enhanced sclerotherapy has been...
Use of lower polidocanol to air ratio for reticular vein treatment...
In the treatment of reticular veins of the lower extremities, using polidocanol foam, it has been found that both a 1:2 ratio and 1:4...
Foam “has not been established as superior” to liquid sclerotherapy for...
Speaking at the International Union of Phlebology chapter meeting (UIP 2019; 25–27 August, Krakow, Poland), Neil Khilnani (New York, USA) underlined that the current...
US study finds racial disparities in outcomes of superficial vein treatments
A US-based multicentre study has found that while chronic venous insufficiency is “primarily observed in white women”, there are other notable differences in the...
Surgery better than foam sclerotherapy in patients with isolated AASV varicosis...
One of the first randomised controlled trials comparing two therapeutic regimes—surgery and foam sclerotherapy—in patients with anterior accessory saphenous vein (AASV) varicosis, has found...
Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy of small saphenous vein as effective as endovenous...
Preliminary data from the Fovelass trial, presented at the Charing Cross Symposium (24–27 April, London, UK) by Claudine Hamel-Desnos (Caen, France) show that at...
MOCA effective for greater saphenous vein insufficiency out to three years
A Dutch study of greater saphenous vein insufficiency patients has found that mechanochemical ablation (MOCA; ClariVein, Vascular Insights) is an effective and safe treatment...